Disclaimer: The estimate service charge is calculated using the given information and current rates. VUMPA does not warrant its accuracy and the estimate provided is not intended to create any enforceable right by any party. Neither VUMPA, nor the Republic of Panama, nor the Panama Canal Authority will be held liable for the accuracy and reliability of the services charges contained in this quotation or for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the information provided here in. Furthermore, Neither VUMPA, nor the Republic of Panama, nor the Panama Canal Authority, are entitled or subject, in any manner to honor the resulting service charges of this quotation due such amounts were calculated based on information provided by the requester. The amounts reflected in this quotation do not represent final amounts to be invoiced and should only be taken as a "reference". For payment procedures, the cost estimates shall be performed when the vessel visit is created and all its required information has been accurately declared.